Monday, August 2, 2021

Gravity! (isaac Newton🍎)

When did an apple fall on Isaac Newtons head?    

Well... did you know gravity is an invisible force? It pulls you down to the ground.  And Sir Isaac Newton was the first person to discover about gravity. He was wondering why the apple fell on his head when he was sitting under that apple tree.

WOW! On Monday Kea was learning about gravity and Kea had to get two items like half a bottle and a full bottle. My group was Talita, Ashley, Jazzy, and me.

Next, I got an iPad and did a video of Talita in slow motion. She was dropping the bottle's at the same height and the full water bottle won cause it touched the ground first. We got our books and started to write what we did about gravity and what happened to the apple that fell on Sir Isaac Newtons head. 

What I found out is that an apple fell on Isaac newtons head 1666 years ago (do you have any questions about Sir Isaac Newton?)

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Breeze. I was so worried because I thought you were going to say you dropped the iPad to see how quickly it fell! What a great idea to use the slow mo on the video. Why do you think the two things landed at different times? I don't know much about Isaac Newton but are you sure he lived 1666 years ago?


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